Sunday, January 12, 2014

Put your seat belts on for this vegan peanut butter cookie ride!!

I've been going back and forth with veganism in my head. Over Christmas break, I've been experimenting a lot with savory and sweet applications. I find it really inspiring when I find a delicious recipe that also happens to be vegan. I love this adventure, but I have to say, veganism can be really expensive. That's the bummer. I guess it depends on what you want to cook/bake, but for my tastes, a lot of stuff I want to try costs a lot. One income isn't cutting it lately, so the vegan train is slowing down. However, that's not stopping me from chugging along when and wherever I can! Here's a cookie recipe that trumps all other cookies, vegan and not vegan!

Holy moly, these are amazing cookies! Ken brought me some jumbo peanut butter cookies from work the other day, and have one or two just isn't enough. As it usually goes on a Sunday evening, I had a craving to bake up some type of goody. Here's a ca-razy fact: my hubby aint that big a fan of peanut butter cookies. WHAT!? Almost six years together and I never knew this. He says he likes them but they're not his favorite. Have we met??? Nevertheless, he encouraged me to make some PB cookies this evening despite his lackluster enthusiasm. I went ahead and found a recipe that appeared right up my alley.

I'm a major, super duper fan of chewy cookies rather than crispy. When I landed on this recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie: Secret Peanut Butter Cookies, I was intrigued. Mostly because it called for such a small amount of flour. 2 TBS?? Was this chicly crazy? I scrolled through the comments from other readers, and there was some doubt lingering in the air. Despite the doubting Thomas in my head, there were too many comments proclaiming these cookies as the Messiah of vegan PB cookies. Sold!

What makes these cookies heavenly are that A) they are on the healthier side B) they are super soft and chewy C) you taste PB first. It is the star ingredient, no doubt. All you do is mix the dry ingredients first, add the wet, mix and get ready to roll into cookies. The recipe says to refrigerate the dough for one hour if you want them chewy, but I didn't. They still came out chewy and scrumptious, but I may try it next time. Two noteworthy aspects are to indeed allow these cookies to cook before you take them off the pan; she isn't kidding when she says they're soft, so they will break apart if you try to move them prematurely. Also, I doubled the recipe, and it only made about 18 cookies using a medium sized cookie scoop. So keep that in mind when baking for a large group!

 Seriously, these were irresistible! Even Hubby, who apparently isn't the world's biggest fan of PB cookies (blasphemy), kept going back for more. Ooooo, I love when that happens! Oh, and they're vegan? Double the goodness!

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